Adika Titut Triyugo

Product Designer

About Candidate

I am a Product Designer with experiences as Design Staff as well as Freelance Designer. As a freelancer, I’ve been working on different kind of roles, ranging from a 3D Product Modeler, Graphic Designer, Art Supplier, Furniture and Lighting Designer. During my journey as a Design Staff, I provides custom and mass production furniture and lighting designs for at least two different interior consultants.

Since 2017, I’ve shifted my working field into digital product as a UX/UI designer and researcher. Now I am managing representative office of lab automation product manufacturer company. This office offers engineering and research support for the main branch. On the other side, I also have interest in music, making it as a hobby and sometimes a paid job.

Job Categories ( For Example : Flutter Developer or Data Engineer Like That ) )



Bachelor Degree of Industrial Product Design 2011
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Industrial Design is a study program that studies the design and the manufacture of products as the solution to the problems based on the study of human comfort as users and the development of the surrounding industrial principles. For example, in addition to making products that are safe and comfortable to use, it should also be economical and in accordance with the needs and desires of their users. In an attempt to solve a problem in the field of Industrial Design, several approaches are taken towards interdisciplinary aspects, including: aesthetic, social, cultural, technological, management, environmental, and science aspects. Industrial Design graduate competence is with the specificity on the field of product designs, where they are expected to have: + The ability to design products creatively and able to implement particular scientific applications in the design of a comprehensive product with various approaches/premises on the problem. + The ability to examine objects and problems of product design. + The ability to communicate product design ideas either orally, written, or visually. + The ability to work well both interdisciplinary or independently in accordance with each expertise.

Work & Experience

Site Manager and Researcher November 2021 - Now
Formulatrix Indonesia

Innovation enabler by managing company's representative office as well as coordinate its activity of interests in Bandung City. The office focuses on R&D of mechatronic products. Doing research in branding, marketing or user experience to support main UX team validate their decisions.

UX Designer November 2016 - February 2021
Formulatrix Indonesia

Increasing user satisfaction and usability of a software by creating intuitive interfaces and easy workflows. Formulatrix has desktop and web-based software which is used to control their robotic laboratory equipment.

Physical Product Designer January 2013 - November 2016
Hadiprana, SHS Associates, Freelance

Responsible in Product Development of Hadiprana, SHS Associates and also providing clients with 3D Product Modeling. I mostly focused on Furniture and Lighting design.


UX Design
Product Development
UI Design
Product and User Research

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